Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross

Jesus was too weak to carry the Cross anymore and Simon helped Him. It was a change of plan for Simon that day.  Don’t we too run away when things get challenging?

Today we are grateful to the countless Simons in our country Timor Leste.

  • The eldest daughter or son of the family who sacrifice their education plans for their siblings.
  • The parent who carries the weight of feeding his family through the economic crisis of the country.
  • The teacher in the overcrowded classroom who must teach without even the basic resources of text books.
  • The doctors, nurses and caregivers who struggle to bring healing to their fellowmen in the unhealthiest situations.
  • The young women who must give themselves to their own uncles to support their families.
  • The children who are forced to find a means of sustenance to keep the family.

Such is our world and from this chance encounter with our suffering brothers and sisters, our faith is strengthened, our love deepened and our hope revived.