


Visitation to the Province of IRELAND, November 2015

Sr. Monica Joseph, RJM, Superior General, accompanied by Sr. Ma. Carmen Muñoz, RJM,General Councilor responsible for Europe,

mapirelandvisited the Province of Ireland from the 1st to 15th November 2015.

Ireland is a beautiful country covered by extensive lush green grasslands where cattle graze peacefully. Water not only surrounds the Island, but the land is knit together with gently flowing rivers and lakes.  The countryside evokes a peace and calmness.

Music, art and dance are rooted in the culture and life of the people. This great Celtic tradition is transmitted to the new generations from a young age in the family as well as in school.

The Religious of JM arrived to Ireland in the year 1912.

In the year 2012 the first centenary was celebrated and a time of thanksgiving to God was lived – a time of joy and of shared feast in the communities, apostolic works, AFJM, Parishes, and with the friends…

The Province at present has 39 religious. The seven communities are located in the cities of Dublin, Galway, Enniscrone and Crossmolina.

News Bulletin of the Visitation to the Province of Ireland
