News about Tertianship 

Both Tertianship groups (English speaking and Spanish speaking) are happy to share. They have lived some interesting activities together : Day of Consecrated Life, Feast of M. Foundress, presentation of the Provinces and other non-planned occasions.  Other activities are similar but they live them separately: service to the poor (once a week), Cultural Visits (once a week), long moments of reflection and personal prayer, etc.

From the end of February, the groups will have different calendars. The English speaking Tertians will go for their Long Retreat from 25th February to 26th March; they will spend the month of April in Rome and go to Lyon, Lourdes and Loyola in May.  The Spanish speaking group will go to Lyon in March, will hold their Long Retreat in Loyola in April and be back to Rome in May. We count on your prayer.